Philippa Tumubweinee
Philippa Nyakato Tumubweinee was awarded her PhD from the School of Higher Education Studies at the University of the Free State in 2019. She is a co-founder and director of IZUBA INafrica Architects and is currently a senior lecturer at the School of Architecture Planning & Geomatics at the University of Cape Town.
Dr Tumubweinee’s commitment to the profession and architectural education has developed in various ways: firstly, she has experience as a course convenor at several architectural learning sites (ALS) in varied Design, Technology/Construction and Representation studios across South Africa. Secondly, she has engaged with ALS across South Africa and abroad as an external examiner. Lastly, her focus on alternate and mainstream materials and technology(ies) in building construction has grounded both her design and technology studios that explore four questions: (1) how students acquire knowledge; (2) how students interpret knowledge; (3) how students represent knowledge to show their understanding and (4) how students transform existing knowledge systems.
- 2019: University of the Free State, Doctor of Philosophy, Higher Education Studies
- 2007: University of Pretoria, Professional Master of Architecture
- 2002: Witwatersrand University, Bachelor of Science in Architecture (Golden Key Certificate of Achievement)